Thursday, September 30, 2010

Older Women Showing Their Nylons

I finished at last! all my quilt squares. Now start with the triangles the auctioned .... Scares me! I have seen that there are some with 40 pieces ...... this if it is "the work of El Escorial (palace I have visited many times in the outskirts of Madrid) and they put this tagline for many years it took to complete. Construction began in 1562, by order of King Philip II, and ended in 1584, but until today they are fixing and restoring many rooms, hence the legend.
I'll keep you showing your progress, now we must add the 169 blocks, making the 108 triangles and 4 corners .... It's a long work, but beautiful. I hope that after enjoying it in my home, my children can use and grandchildren. I have American friends who are using their grandmothers made quilts with scraps of clothes that no longer used (patchwork. ....) are relics for her!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Make A Sausage Dog

My Dear Jane quilt sampler

end this beautiful sampler. I added some borders to fill gaps ...... I was delighted to be adding a small amount each month and now enjoy it ended. Thanks Blanca. And wait for your next project.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ewa Sonnet - Ines Cudna

salt Salt Flowers from My Garden

This is the last block we have finished our Baltimore, we are making progress every month and is being nice. I'm already dreaming of finishing it, but Isi has proposed an interesting little thing, and we'll see what we have. I'll tell you when it is decided.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How Much Does A Mulberry Handbag Cost?

Cross Stitch Quilts

I'm thrilled! I finished "my crown jewel has been a joy "...., receive each month corresponding graph and start immediately to embroider. It was my monthly temptation, he did nothing without seeing my goal completed, how I enjoyed! now I'm sad not to have to stick with it. White Thanks, I hope another goal of yours.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Gay Hang Out In Houston

My Dear Jane

You know that I love cross stitch and as I get the graph I get to do it. White sent me this and with it I have increased my sampler ... and only one left and another to finish. I am delighted.

What Cleats For Schwinn Spinning Bike

salt sampler My sewing

finished my ninth sewing. This means that I'm about to mount all the salt. I have attached the fabric and this afternoon I start to cut everything to sew ..... Ana and edited for you and is beautiful. I'm thinking about it a little bit bigger ... extending only bands and the bias to boot.