Day Notes 26/03/2011 Notes 25/03/2011 By: Narciso Alcalá -
Without having read The Prince, I could never understand why some colleagues in the UDO in times of student meetings, qualify some of his peers as Machiavellian. Very recently I read several chapters of The Prince and now I understand that they had not read it or did not understand anything and used the phrase "you Machiavellian" to look like a book or eat because it was a way to score without knowing much. In one chapter I read I came across a thought that falls perfectly for what I wish to raise in this article. The Prince read this sentence that I share with readers. "When you see your minister think more about themselves than you, and asks in all his personal gain, you can be convinced that this man will not serve you well never." I understand that Nicholas was not a pervert, he left his thought is for better or worse. In this thought, says Prince Nicholas on unwanted conduct of his ministers, but the subjects or in this case the PSUV can also make use of his thought. If I understand Machiavelli and change some words of thought I have just presented, I have the ability to say the same but with a different sense. I paraphrase: "When you see one or more of the 15 members of the Directorate of the States, a think Mayor * itself to the revolutionary project, and inquire in all his personal gain, can be persuaded militant comrade who these men and women will not ever right to revolution. " It's the same idea but it appears that it is Machiavelli Machiavellian or perverse. Aporrea I published an article a few days ago, whose title was: "If I were Tarek William Saab" and he dared me to make some suggestions to the 15 members of the new Directorate State concerned. Needed to reach them, but now I want to get the militants to walk, because as the 15 are the responsibility of selecting local real team work and ideas that contribute to the recovery of the votes that we lost, that action is largely responsibility, but also of us and those who are betting on the project at the national, state and municipal I argued in that article that I referred to above, the selection of this equipment is essential for 2012 and once made, becomes a strategic decision. All selection of equipment are important in each of the municipalities, the selection must be under certain criteria and profiles, but this time, I ReFirme to Puerto La Cruz and Barcelona because this is the bulk of the voting population is an important area we are facing political and municipal administrations are not able to bring many votes. The teams in these two municipalities must meet specific characteristics and between them must stand for real and effective support and change directions in municipal government. If teams do not have that capacity, little can be done, if there is time to do something. Sotillo and Bolivar lose is lose the governorship. The Municipality of Sotillo is lost. It has no clear direction and from the outside looks shredded. The only visible thing that can be displayed in the eleven years is the Paseo Colón, but if you're walking down spaces and a stick of water, you really had two mayors "revolutionaries" who have a distorted concept of the city. Matter only what you see, but not the functionality and quality of city. El Paso Colon is the least the concept ABC: Sidewalks, curbs and gutters. That is what it is, if rain is a big gap. teams Puerto la Cruz and Barcelona to select, combine demand profiles in search of alternatives to form teams to make sense of these efforts and begin to recover lost the vote organization. In Barcelona one feels that there still in this particular practice of cooptation. If this co-optation in Barcelona and Sotillo repeats the "method" national figures known and we will certainly responsible for what happened and would be putting these two municipalities on the route to be recovered by the opposition space. This is enough to lose the governorship and drawing enough votes to the president.
These teams are in relatively short period to create an effective network to parishes to promote a work plan that will allow us to organize the membership and begin to recover the lost votes.
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