One does not win for surprises! days ago (February) Karl calls me (an acquaintance from years ago, but towards some time we met) and tells me how far it should order a cake, it depends on the complexity of this I say, but as little three-four days, uff ... I said ... I I want tomorrow to be the birthday of my son, so it must be for another time ... I love you call about a month and one day to another as I have not, I say if you want to have to be something tomorrow very simple, no modeling (because I already knew my cakes) yeah, yeah, easy ... but with some reason football, decoration and flavors to your taste you trust tells me.
So I set to work without losing time (for further this week was busy with two more, and so it did know.
The cake is chocolate and nuts in the country, topped with grenadine syrup, chocolate cream filling amargo.Me said they loved both the taste and the decor (Again thank you Karl, trust me, and I'm glad you liked it)
All the decoration is made with fondant and cream cheese is around crema.La technique I used is the puzzle.
I hope you like it too, so I leave a couple of pictures so you can see it, and if you like any comments let are the ones who help us to improve day by dia.Gracias.

Take care
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