difficult it is to be a mother (and children) in this century. long ago that I thought that the liberalization of women is a real scam.
may sound somewhat negative, but in a society in which they merely get "trabanquetas" both mothers, fathers as s obesity
I can not think of anything but the end exercise our right to happiness with ours has a price that would not have to pay. Yes it is true that women
in innate desire for revolution has come a long way in history. That has had tremendous achievements in a society in which little less always been a zero at the end of the left. But what price we pay twenty-first century women? Where is the value that is assigned to what really matters? What is meant by welfare, quality of life?
few days I've been in the news coming to my eyes or my ears I am convinced that our merit as women, moms, dads and especially men
s obesity- children should have an increased recognition per billion. What Why? it simply because if, despite all the obstacles we encounter in our path as we have a full family, responsible, conscientious and successful not for lack of will, determination and perseverance.
want to know what obstacles talk right? as we go.
*** The biological clock. Most of us are not moms when we want, otherwise when we can. Unfortunately, factors such as work, home, lack of time we are conditioned to have to wait "an appropriate time to be mothers."
Let's face it. Conscious and responsible motherhood is to give social and economic welfare to hij @ s
. As much as we want to be moms, too often dominate our desires factors quite different from this instinct. When we are not mothers, but also when we can. *** Delivery (although it sees a slow change) is planned as a mechanical and gives priority to the health to do their jobs comfortably. The woman was treated for years with a hardness requirement and improper human beings at the time of birth. ***
The post-partum. A few days ago I read a story that infuriated me about Paulina Rubio. I'm not obsessed with celebrities to be clear:) but we can not ignore that we like it or not, have a great influence in a part of society. In the news it was said that two months after giving birth appeared overweight. But what have thought? If in full postpartum! What is not normal is to be like a noodle in two months! and though some will naturally be concerned, does not mean that all women as "standard" I have to be.
The puerperium, the great forgotten. Everyone thinks that once you give birth, already. When a claim if it is true that after 9 months of brewing, we should wait another 9 months for our bodies to return to his being. Although I think even more.
*** Breastfeeding is not considered in society for what it truly is: a fundamental right for mothers and children.
We are told that breastfeeding, which is best for them, yet we are given guidelines on the schedule, we offer a paltry maternity leave, working hours difficult.
Or are you very, very aware that you give all the chest of the world or it is clear that if you get six months of breastfeeding will be a success. The bottle has become a preference item immediately, when it should have always held the title of "last resort" as with caesarean section "first choice", a demonstration man that human nature is taken too lightly by imposing its standards regardless of the biological consequences that all this can cause long-term.
*** The lack of support for raising our
hij @ s
impossible work schedules, lack of personal support of our environment and very little appreciation of what it means to educate and care for our
s obesity.
And do not realize that eventually those small
@ s are the future of our society, those who have to watch over us. S obesity suffer separation from their parents resigned
because there is no alternative to this separation
. Parents who do not have time to meet theirhij @ s.
A society focused by and for adults . In which most small @ s and upbringing are the forgotten. Schools designed to "tame" and to fill all that time we need to work. I prefer not to continue, because with all the above I'm feeling very sad. But I wanted to leave this input as a positive.
Because despite our hyper-manipulated pregnancies, our medicalized birth, condemned by our lactation milks, our three-month maternity leaves, our impossible schedules, our care, our separation, our lack of time , adult-centered society ... Because despite all got to be the best parents. Most extraordinary, our hij @ s be wonderful people, thanks to all the love we get together, thanks to an effort that is worthwhile and is more than offset. Thanks
ell @ s
and s
. But I'd like to share a dream, a goal to fulfill and s
tod @ s is that one day all this will change and that all these impediments, alliances become the breeding, women and ultimately all mankind.
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